Thank you for your support. It’s important to us your donation reflects your wishes and priorities. There are many ways your donation can make a difference. Please choose below where you’d like your donation to have the most impact. If you prefer to mail your donation, please use this donation form. Send the completed form to #101 – 612 View Street, Victoria BC, V8W 1J5.
Where the need is greatest
CMHA BC aims to change the way we think about, talk about, and treat mental health and addiction issues. It’s a big task, but with your help, our policy and advocacy team, Living Life to the Full, Ride Don’t Hide, and youth mental health programs can create a much-needed shift in our approach to mental health and addictions.
Continue Your Impact with Planned Giving
CMHA’s loyal donors know how important it is that we continue to speak up for equal access to the best possible mental health. When generous donors include CMHA in their will, their bequests – whether modest or major – help provide sustainable, ongoing funding for that strong, independent advocacy.
Whether you want to target support to a particular area or help secure the foundation for our independent voice, there is simple language you can use when updating or drafting your will.
There are a few different ways people can plan to support a charity after they pass away – bequests, gifts of securities, real estate and property or as a designated beneficiary. However, the most common planned gift we receive is a gift given as a bequest through the donor’s will. Click ‘learn more’ to read about how to ensure your intentions are clear – or please reach out to our Jocelyn de Montmorency if you wish to speak to someone at our Victoria office.
Honour a friend or loved one 
A gift in Honour is a great way to recognize an important person or organization in celebration of a special occasion such as a birthday, holiday or marriage. A gift in Memory is a way to remember and honour a loved one who’s passed away. CMHA BC will notify family members when you make a gift In Memory.
Support educational and career goals
Mental illness should never stop anyone from seeking higher education. Join founder Lorne Fraser in ensuring people who’ve experienced mental illness can pursue their chosen career. Since 1982, over 150 students have benefited from bursaries and scholarships through the Lorne Fraser Educational Fund.
Host your own fundraiser
When you organize and host a fundraising event—large or small—you raise awareness of mental health and addiction issues in your community while helping CMHA BC support people in finding the help they need. Just fill out the form below—we can even create an online fundraising page for you!
Make a larger gift with an even greater impact
CMHA BC has three endowment funds housed with the Vancouver Foundation. Each fund was established to support broader and longer-term mental health and addiction needs. A major gift to the Dr. Jean Moore Endowment Fund in Child and Youth Mental Health or the Dr. Nancy Hall Speaking Up Speaking Out Fund reflects the goals and vision of their namesakes and ensures CMHA can lead a better way forward on critical public health issues.
Help teens with mental health and substance use issues
Blue Wave is a youth program that includes Living Life to the Full for Youth—CMHA BC’s transformational program to help youth build personal capacity: emotional health, problem-solving and coping skills—in a safe group setting. The Janice Lee Blue Wave Bursary supports educational goals of under-19 youth with mental illness and addiction.
Corporate donations and sponsorships
CMHA BC enjoys working with our corporate community in unique and creative ways that meet both business and community interests. Your donation or sponsorship adds value to every facet of your organization’s strategic goals and supports one of the most important public health issues in Canada. For information on unique giving opportunities, contact Lauren Sykes, Resource Development and Events Coordinator at
Ensuring your gift has the right scope
CMHA BC has a provincial scope. Our programs, services, and policy work impact people across BC (though some of our programs also have a national scope). If you’d prefer your donation have a national impact or support programs and services in your local community, you can find and designate your gift using our CMHA locator.
Other gifts
If you’d like to make a gift of securities or mutual funds, you can do this online through Canada Helps. If you’d like help to find the right fit for your interests, or to arrange a gift of life insurance or a bequest as part of preparing a will, please talk to Lauren Sykes, Resource Development and Events Coordinator at